Happy, couples in Palembang when their old house was dissected

Go fakta. Palembang - A happy look was seen covering the faces of married couples (couples) Sumiyadi (53) and Nurhasanah (46). After getting help, their rickety house is now being built.

Sumiyadi and Nurhasanah themselves are couples who previously lived in uninhabitable homes. His old 4x6 meter house almost collapsed and remained with his daughter.

"Yesterday at around 6:30 a.m., my house was demolished. Those who were unloading from the community and officials in this village," Sumiyadi explained on Monday (12/03/2018).

After being dismantled, the community began to build a house foundation right next to the rickety house. The foundation was resumed today.

"Today's development began after the news was reported with the media. So far, assistance from a number of donors, if the workforce was said by the Provincial Social Service," Sumiyadi added.

Assistance received, looks various kinds, ranging from bricks, sand, coral and cement. There are also basic needs, clothing and cash.

"There are cash and groceries, but all of my sister-in-law handle them. I don't know where they are, but there are many. For workers there are 5 people, they work from morning to evening," Sumiyadi added.

The house, targeted for 3 weeks is complete. But it can be done faster or at least 10 working days until the house can be occupied by Sumiyadi's family.

Houses built peramanen measuring 7x6 meters with one bedroom and living room. This construction was in accordance with what the Sumiyadi family wanted from the start.

"Built according to the wishes, according to the foundation that I have built. All are borne by donors, but there are from the government after yesterday the governor's mother came," he said.

Until this news was revealed, some assistance was seen still coming to Sumiyadi's house in Sei Selincah Village, Palembang Main Street. Even seen 5 workers have started to install bricks as high as 1 meter.

As for the Sumiyadi rickety house, which is already 50 years old, it has been dismantled and flattened to the ground. The board that can still be used has been neatly arranged for reuse.


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